Great article Ross!

A lot of useful insights in an area I have experience in. An article to save and read over several times to fully digest

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Thanks! I appreciate your support a lot and it truly means a world to someone who just got started with public writing!

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My pleasure! Keep it up!

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Hi Ross - Great article. Having run referral programs for high value items, a lot of points that you have shared resonated and I was also able to identify aspects that we should have focused on better.

Also, thanks for sharing the links to Brian Balfour's growth articles. Went through the 5 articles in the series now on various fits needed across market, product, channel and model. It is definitely one of the best pieces of content available in the internet!

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Hey Vivek,

I'm glad you liked it! And re Brian's article - it is indeed. Lenny co-created this piece - review.firstround.com/drive-growth-by-picking-the-right-lane-a-customer-acquisition-playbook-for-consumer-startups, which goes alongside of Brian's, so maybe worth checking!

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Hey Ross, is there somewhere I can contact you? I'd like to ask a few questions about online writing.

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Hey! Not sure, if I'm the best person to talk about online writing, but you can DM on Linkedin - linkedin.com/in/ruslannazarenko

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Sent the DM! Talk soon :)

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